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杏彩体育官网登录入口_爆红游戏《Flappy Bird》遭作者本人下架

发布时间:2025-02-04 11:50:05点击量:793
本文摘要:Flappy Bird is flapping its wings no more. The popular game for mobile devices was removed from online stores on Sunday by its Vietnamese creator, who said its fame ruins my simple life.上周日,爆红手机游戏《Flappy Bird》被来自越南的开发者阮哈东从网上商店下架,小鸟无法再行扑打翅膀了。

Flappy Bird is flapping its wings no more. The popular game for mobile devices was removed from online stores on Sunday by its Vietnamese creator, who said its fame ruins my simple life.上周日,爆红手机游戏《Flappy Bird》被来自越南的开发者阮哈东从网上商店下架,小鸟无法再行扑打翅膀了。至于下架的原因,阮哈东回应游戏爆红“烧掉了他非常简单的生活。”Dong Nguyen, who created the game in just two to three days, was making as much as $50,000 a day from the games advertising revenue.阮哈东仅用了两到三天就研发出有了这款目前风行全球的游戏,通过游戏内广告,这款作品每天可以为他带给5万美元的收益。

In several Twitter posts, he said the games removal was not due to legal issues and that he may make a sequel.阮哈东在推特回应,自己移除这款游戏并不是出于法律上的疑虑,他也正在考虑到研发出有这款游戏的前传。Mr Nguyen, who describes himself as a passionate indie game maker, also said on the micro-blogging site that he will not sell Flappy Bird but that he will still make games.阮哈东说道自己是一个“十分热情的独立国家游戏开发者”,他在推特上也回应自己会出售Flappy Bird,但以后还不会继续做游戏。Flappy Bird has been downloaded more than 50 million times, making it this years most popular mobile game so far.Flappy Bird 游戏目前早已被iTunes多达5000万次,沦为今年目前为止最热门的手机游戏。Launched in May 2013, the game was free to download and required players to tap the screen to keep the bird in flight.该游戏公布于2013年5月,游戏可免费iTunes,玩法也非常简单,玩家在游戏开始后页面屏幕让小鸟维持飞行中状态才可。

Despite its simple graphics, Flappy Bird was a notoriously difficult game since many users could only keep the bird in the air for a few seconds before it hits an obstacle and falls.虽然图像画面非常简单,但Flappy Bird 游戏只不过可玩性极高。许多玩家都不能让小鸟飞将近一会儿就撞到到障碍物掉下去了。After Mr Nguyen took the game down, many fans turned to social media to petition for its return.在阮哈东将游戏下架后,很多粉丝在社交媒体上催促他将游戏新的下架。

The game is no longer available through online stores, but it still works on phones that had previously downloaded it.虽然该游戏在应用于商店已无法iTunes,但早已iTunes了《Flappy Bird》的玩家还可以之后在手机上玩游戏这款游戏。However, some fans expressed their relief that the game was gone.不过也有一些粉丝对游戏下架回应泊了一口气。

One user describes Flappy Bird as an addictive game that everyone hates to love while another said, I think its for the best, and for the best of all the cracked phones out there.一个玩家叙述Flappy Bird是“让人成瘾、让每个人又爱人又怨的游戏”,另一个人则回应:“我实在这是最差的结果,尤其是那些都被玩坏了的手机。



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